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### For Sale 1999 Volkswagen Rialta ### in Auburn, Alabama For Sale

Price: $4,026
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

It's been garage kept, non-smoking, well maintained.
The rear table area has been re-modified with twin beds 72" long, the bathroom stall has been re-modified with more countertop room but toilet can still be used, just no shower.
New Tires - 8 ply Kitchen with 3 burner stove, Sink, Microwave oven, Fridge Power windows, door locks, mirrors Day & Night Shades Cruise control Roof AC Skylight Backup camera Generator & Invertor Outdoor Shower.
Eurovan body and Winnebago interior. New muffler, battery, outdoor shower, and waterproofing. All work done by Veurinks (Winnebago parts) or Community Automotive (VW parts) Motorhome convenience with excellent (~15-18) gas mileage. Cruises well on highway; made it to east and west coast last summer.

State: Alabama  City: Auburn  Category: Cars
Cars in Alabama for sale

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